
Our mission

Our mission is to work as ethically as possible and to continuously lower our environmental impact on our beautiful island. We aim to promote tourism as an initiative to preserve local culture and businesses.

We are dedicated to leaving lighter footprints on our surroundings by reducing the impact of our products and services on the environment, implementing community projects that focus on a sustainable future, and promoting our environmental conservation ethos to visiting tourists.


Sustainable Tourism Network

Inishbofin Experiences is a proud member of Sustainable Tourism Network.

The Sustainable Tourism Network, formerly Sustainable Travel Ireland, is Ireland’s leading and longest-running body for the promotion and support of sustainable tourism. STN is dedicated to inspiring, supporting and promoting sustainable and regenerative tourism.

Their internationally recognised certification standard are recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC).  The GSTC is a United Nations initiated council which sets the baseline standards for sustainable tourism and travel.

We are delighted to be members of Sustainable Tourism Network. We have just completed the first step in their 6 Step Sustainability Programme and we have achieved our Foundation Level Award in July 2024.

Leave No Trace

Inishbofin Experiences is a proud member of
Leave No Trace Ireland.

We implement their ethos and guidelines in our tours, activities and all the work that we do. We communicate this ethos to all visitors on the island so we can #LoveThisplace #LeaveNoTrace.

We ask you to read and be considerate of the 7 Leave No Trace Principles when you visit Inishbofin so you can participate in our responsible tourism initiative. Find out more about them here.



  1. Plan Ahead and Prepare
  2. Be Considerate of Others
  3. Respect Farm Animals and Wildlife
  4. Travel and Camp on Durable Ground
  5. Leave What You Find
  6. Dispose of Waste Properly
  7. Minimise the Effects of Fire

Sustainability Policy 2024

This policy will be reviewed again in December 2024.

The Inishbofin Community Services Programme (CSP) is aware that its business activities impact upon the environment and we are committed to alleviating those negative impacts as part of our mission.

Sustainability Mission

Our mission is to work as ethically as possible and to continuously lower our environmental impact on our beautiful island. We aim to promote tourism as an initiative to preserve local culture and businesses. We are dedicated to leaving lighter footprints on our surroundings by reducing the impact of our products and services on the environment, implementing community projects that focus on a sustainable future, and promoting our environmental conservation ethos to visiting tourists.

What is Sustainable tourism?

At Inishbofin CSP, we believe that sustainable tourism is tourism that takes full account of its current and future economic, social, and environmental impacts while addressing the needs of visitors, the industry, the environment, and host communities (UNWTO, n.d.).

Continuous Improvements

We believe sustainability is an ongoing journey, not just a destination. We are at the start of our sustainability journey. We know we still have a lot to learn and achieve, but here at Inishbofin CSP we are committed to continuously improving our efforts and increasing positive environmental and social impacts every step of the way.


Our Policies

All Inishbofin CSP business practices are committed to the following environmental policies:

  • Limiting energy usage as much as possible on our premises and in our activities
  • All activities under the Inishbofin Experiences will be conducted using the Leave No Trace ethos and with sustainability at the forefront
  • CSP events will limit their use of motor vehicles
  • CSP events will follow environmental guidelines for reducing waste, pollution, and our carbon footprint.
  • All employees have committed to reducing their use of motor vehicles, following waste reduction policies, and working to promote our environmental ethos to our community and tourists.

Measuring and reducing negative impacts

  • Energy consumption


    We have been measuring our electricity consumption every month since November 2023 and aim to reduce consumption by 10% by January 2025 by:

    • Hosting an employee awareness day to teach our staff about best energy-saving practices.
    • Collaborating with our landlord, as we do not own the building we operate from, to switch electricity suppliers to Community Power, ensuring we use renewable energy sources as much as possible.
    • Working towards switching to all energy-efficient light bulbs; currently, over 70% of our bulbs have been changed.
    • Recently installing a new heating system, improving building insulation, and adding new insulated panels to the roof in November 2023. Additionally, we have replaced our old fridges with B-rated energy-efficient models. These changes will help us reduce both our energy costs and consumption.
  • Water consumption


    We have been measuring our water consumption every 3 months since November 2023 and continue to do the following to reduce consumption by 5% by June 2025:

    • Promoting turning off taps in the tourist office for staff and visitors.
    • Reporting leaks immediately to ensure efficient water usage and prevent waste.
    • Working with our landlord and exploring systems for rainwater collection to use for cleaning tasks and watering plants. We aim to find a suitable system in the next 12 months.
    • Aiming to install low-flow toilets and self-closing faucets in our bathrooms within the next two years.
    • Our Washing Machine is a Grade A appliance and we use short wash programmes.
  • Waste production


    We have been measuring our waste consumption every month since November 2023 and commit to doing the following to reduce consumption by 15% over the next 12 months:

    • Informing staff and tourists of recycling methods by
    • Questioning how much each product is actually needed
    • Only using certified ethical and sustainable suppliers and products
    • Reusing or repurposing as much waste as possible. We are working towards a zero single use plastics policy. We use mugs as first preference for tea/coffee unless specified by customer, we have compostable paper cups for takeaway.
    • Digitalising office work as much as possible
    • Encouraging tourists to bring refillable water bottles to recycle and reduce waste.
    • Educating tourists on the Leave No Trace principles before they visit.

Ethical purchasing

At Inishbofin CSP we are committed to: …

  • Reducing our consumption and buying only what we really need
  • Using certified ethical and sustainable suppliers where possible
  • Ensuring our suppliers are working to reduce their environmental impact
  • Buying local products where possible. We buy from our closest suppliers when feasible and always source our products from Irish suppliers where possible
  • Buying products with as little packaging as possible
  • Buying products in bulk if needed to reduce packaging

Carbon management

We are committed to reducing our carbon footprint as much as possible and to offset the remainder with a trusted partner. We are looking to find a partner to offset our remaining emissions. We aim to find our partner by December 2024. We are currently in the process of measuring our carbon footprint. We are participating in carbon management workshops to help us on our carbon management journey.


To reduce our carbon footprint, we:

  • Have stopped the use of disposable cups for hot drinks unless specifically requested to reduce our waste
  • Recycle all our waste and provide recycling bins for visitors to encourage them to do this also.
  • Use local suppliers within a 50km radius to reduce transport emissions.
  • Unplug appliances where possible at the end of each day to minimise unnecessary energy usage
  • Encourage all visitors to the island to use public transport and we provide in-depth information on our website on local public transport options and schedules.

Responsible sustainability marketing

We are aware of the issue of greenwashing, and so we commit to marketing ethically by communicating honestly about what we offer, where we are on our journey, and the improvements we make along the way. We also aim to reduce the physical waste involved with marketing our products and services by giving preference to digital channels as far as possible.


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